Thursday, November 10, 2011

Final Project: fun with music and a link for our cut

Hey guys, so I'm posting a little early because we agreed in our group today that I would put together a googledoc for our group to post our cut script. I'm in the audio group, which will be making an hour long audio production of Hamlet. We've figured out the order of the scenes and assigned people to cut specific parts. So for those of you in the group, click here! And if you aren't part of the group and are curious, you can check it out, too.

So one thing that I'm sort of in charge of is the music and sound effects for the recording, which is WAY exciting! I've been playing with a recording of the to be or not to be speech and some background music for it. Unfortunately, the recording I found is rather dull and dry, but that leaves it entirely up to the music to set the tone.

So the following videos are actually audio files containing the crazy stuff I've been doing. In each video, I'll provide a brief description of the background music. Be  sure to let me know what you think of whatever you listen to.

These audio clips will probably not actually be used in the final recording since they are copyrighted, but my roommate has a keyboard with a recording function, but instead of recording a bunch of sample stuff, I'm just using different songs to figure out what kind of tone we want.

The second set of writing in this video is supposed to be talking about how pretty the piano of is and how it sound more classical.

I apologize for the many videos, I know that it isn't very visually appealing. But the project itself is going to be great and I'm very excited for it!