Friday, November 4, 2011

Catch-up 2

So I shared Much Ado About Nothing with two different people. The first person I taught was a friend of mine named Brandon, who lives in my apartment complex. The second was my little thirteen-year-old brother, Cody.

As you can imagine, simply the age differences between these two called for some serious differences in teaching. I had to really tone down the sexual connotations for Cody but could play them up for Brandon. I found it rather difficult to even share one of the major themes (cuckolds and disloyalty) with Cody, simply because he was so young and I didn't want to have to teach him what a cuckold is. Yet Brandon was easier to teach in this respect. Brandon is older than I am, and I didn't need to worry about giving him a talk about birds and bees so he could understand.

However, teaching Cody about the masks was a delight. Cody became enchanted by some of the masks that the characters wore at the masquerade and was very interested in their deeper meanings. For Cody, it was early Halloween. Brandon was interested in the masks, but the themes of mistaken identity that they represented didn't appeal to him as much.

I definitely enjoyed teaching Cody more, even though it was more difficult and I had to leave out some key parts of the story in order to shelter him.

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